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Gardening Therapy at

Vancouver ecoVillage

Graphich image of a leaf

To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves ~ Mahatma Gandhi


Gardening is both Therapy and Farm-acy


Gardening is therapeutic and the simple task of weeding a patch of tomatoes or pruning a pear tree can relieve stress.


Some plants might give you a few problems, but they don’t talk back and they almost always give you a sense of accomplishment. Also, an hour or two in the garden usually leads to a better night’s sleep.

Smiling disabled man in a wheelchair gardening

Participants in our program - who suffer from such problems as vision impairment, dementia, developmental disabilities, the inability to walk and more - have gained improved self-worth, a sense of discovery and a feeling of belonging in addition to both mental and physical stimulation. In gardening therapy, all five senses are stimulated at the same time. Sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing are enhanced in the process of working with plants. Fragrant herbs and flowers release aromas when touched, and harvest vegetables such as greens and cherry tomatoes are delicious raw. The sounds come from breezes passing through the plants.


So it is well known that Garden Therapy benefits the mind, has effects of stress relief, improved mood and emotional well being. Vancouver ecoVillage provides the opportunity for renewed mental and physical health and social connection through cooperation and teamwork.


We work together with Community Inclusion Groups such as the Spectrum SocietyposAbilities and Canadian Mental Health Association, to help empower their members through skill development, physical coordination, integrated teamwork, and socialization.


Gardens invite socialization and promotes cooperation by integrating teamwork and connection with others with similar interests.

Garden Therapy benefits the mind, has effects of stress relief, improved mood and emotional well being.

Mental health is improved through a sense of purpose and achievement. 

Socially, by creating interaction with others performing similar activities.  

Physically, gardening can challenge your strength and balance, promote hand-eye coordination, and improve your range of movement and endurance. 

Gardening can be used to teach Permaculture skills through hands-on learning. 

Vocational skills for Permaculture can translate into many career areas. 

Spiritual well-being from spending time outside communing with nature and breathing in the 'great outdoors'. 

There is more in your garden than plants and soil. Gardening Therapy promotes Health and Wellness. 

The opportunity for renewed mental and physical health grows there, too.

Emotionally, from the sense of the natural rhythm of life from plants and gardens. Gardening can divert thoughts about oneself and situation. 

Through gardening activities one can create and control the environment which creates empowerment and self esteem. 

TALK TO US to find out about when and where you can join us for gardening!

A Little Gardening Humour with Daphne 

Woman working win a tool in a vegetable gardem
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