Vancouver ecoVillage is a Non-Profit (Reg. S-0064663) dedicated to providing therapeutic services and mental health wellness for all. In addition to our therapy dog program, we have a food rescue and various projects like gardening and training community support workers.​
Our pet events focusing on Mental Health Wellness have proven that interacting with affectionate dogs can reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, lower blood pressure and even decrease the perception of pain. Operating since 2015, we specialize in "stress reduction events" at universities, businesses and especially nursing homes by providing emotional support for the elderly.

Our therapy dog mission is to provide companionship, emotional support and improve the mental and physical well-being of people in need through animal-assisted therapy and provide training and certification for therapy dogs and their handlers. Our dogs undergo 200 hours of training and 2 exams (one external through the Canadian Kennel Club and one internal) to become fully certified as therapy dogs. We also carry comprehensive third party liability insurance of $5 million for each of our working dogs.
J O I N ♥ O U R P E T E V E N T S ♥
♥ H O W O U R T H E R A P Y D O G S A R E H E L P I N G S E N I O R S T H I S Y E A R ♥

♥ W A T C H O U R T H E R A P Y D O G S O N T H E N E W S ♥
♥ M E E T T H E B U L L D O G W H O F I R S T S T A R T E D T H E T H E R A P Y P R O G R A M ♥

ST. PAUL'S HOSPITAL: Patients get companionship, love​

Frances Spooner is weak from open heart surgery, but when Vita, a two-year-old French English bulldog, bounds in the room for a cuddle she feels a spark of energy.
“Oh my goodness I just love dogs. Look at her ... she’s a healer,” she said, petting the 14 kg animal cradled in her lap on Sunday in the cardiac wing at St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver.​​..​
Vita is one of five therapy dogs that makes rounds at St. Pauls, offering unconditional love, companionship and cuteness to patients and their loved ones trying to cope. She’s fast becoming a star among patients and hospital staff, eliciting chuckles every time she gives a high five with her paw.
Many in the cardiac, HIV and psychiatric wards are long-term patients, and request daily visits from Vita or one of the other therapy dogs to provide temporary distraction from pain, stress and loneliness.
But Vancouver Ecovillage, the organization that runs the Therapy Dog program, can’t keep up with the demand, and is short on volunteers...​​ Read More
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